LRIG New England is proud to support the 2018 Massachusetts STEM Summit. The STEM movement, both nationally and in Massachusetts, often uses the image of a “pipeline” to describe a lifelong continuum of developmental milestones. Along the pipeline, efforts focus on exposing diverse students to innovative approaches designed to nurture curiosity, motivation and achievement in STEM areas. Mastery of foundational skills beginning in pre-kindergarten and continuing through high school pave the way to STEM pathways into higher education, and ultimately entry to and advancement in the STEM workforce. By meeting the growing needs of Massachusetts’ employers for a diverse, talented workforce, the STEM pipeline affords access to rewarding and productive careers and contributes to the promise of continued economic prosperity and growth across the Commonwealth.
In its 15th year, Massachusetts STEM Summit 2018’s theme is Pipelines to Prosperity. Through panel presentations, exhibits, and networking, attendees will share stories and models of measurable success along the various stages of the pipeline. In this way, the November 14 Summit will once again provide a venue for learning and collaboration among educators, workforce professionals, business leaders, policymakers, and other active participants in the STEM movement.